Problem Note 52843: A fatal error might occur when you run a SAS® Strategy Management Correlations and Regressions Analysis
If you attempt to run a Correlations and Regressions Analysis in the Diagram
Editor of SAS Strategy Management, you might encounter the following
In addition, the ObjectSpawner_yyyy-mm-dd_Server_xxxx log, which is typically located in a folder similar to drive:\SAS\configuration\Lev1\ObjectSpawner\Logs,
might include an error similar to this:
2014-04-16T16:05:51,148 INFO [00000035] sastrust@saspw - New client connection (12)
accepted from server port 8701 for SAS token user sastrust@saspw. Encryption level
is Credentials using encryption algorithm SASPROPRIETARY. Peer IP address and port
are [::ffff:]:55019 for APPNAME=WRS.
You can encounter this problem if Enable Anonymous Web Access
(Optional) is not selected during the installation and
configuration of your environment, as shown here:
You can verify whether Enable Anonymous Web Access
(Optional) was selected during the installation and
configuration phase. Open the log, which is located in a folder similar to
\Users\sas\AppData\Local\SAS\SASDeploymentWizard and look for this entry:
Note that the lowercase sas in the above path represents the user who did the installation.
You can remedy this problem by performing the following steps:
- Log on to SAS® Management Console with the sasadm@saspw account or another unrestricted user. On the Plug-ins tab for the Foundation Repository, select
Environment Management ► User Manager.
- With User Manager selected, select Actions ► New ► User.
- On the General tab of the New User Properties dialog box, type webanon in the Name field and type SAS Anonymous Web User in the Display Name field:
- Click the Groups and Roles tab and move BI Web Services Users to Member of.
- Click the Accounts tab and click Create Internal Account:
- In the New internal account for SAS Anonymous Web User dialog box, provide a new password and confirm the password. Also select Set a custom password expiration period and never expire:
Note that this password will be specified in Step 15 below.
Click OK in the New internal account for SAS Anonymous Web User dialog box, and then click OK in the New User Properties dialog box.
- With the User Manager plug-in selected in SAS Management Console, you should see that SAS Anonymous Web User was just created.
- Also, in SAS Management Console on the Plug-ins tab for the Foundation Repository, select Application Management ► Configuration Manager ► SAS Application Infrastructure ► BI Web Services for Java 9.3.
Right-click BI Web Services for Java 9.3 and select Properties.
- In the BI Web Services for Java 9.3 dialog box, on the Settings tab, select General Configuration and select Yes for the Enable allowing anonymous execution field:
Click OK.
- On your metadata server, select Start ► All Programs ► SAS ► SAS 9.3 (English). Note that your language might vary.
- In the SAS dialog box, type metabrowse in the SAS command bar and then press the Enter key.
Provide metadata server connection information for your environment. For User Name, provide an unrestricted user such as sasadm@saspw.
- With the Metadata Browser window active, select Tools ► Options ► Explorer. Click the General tab in the Explorer Options... dialog box and deselect Metadata Browse Mode.
Click OK to close the Explorer Options... dialog box.
- In the Metadata Browser window, select Foundation ► Software Component ► Foundation Services 9.3 ► Property Sets ► Environment.Properties ► SetProperties ► web.anonymous.userid.
Note that only the last 5 selections are shown below.
- Right-click web.anonymous.userid and select Properties. In the "web.anonymous.userid" Properties dialog box, click the Attributes tab and select the DefaultValue attribute. In the Value box, enter webanon@saspw, and then click Modify. Verify that the DefaultValue attribute is set to webanon@saspw.
Note that this is the Internal User ID shown in Step 6 above.
Click OK in the "web.anonymous.userid" Properties dialog box.
- Refer to Step 13. Now select web.anonymous.password. It is the selection just above web.anonymous.userid. Right-click web.anonymous.password and select Properties. In the "web.anonymous.password" Properties dialog box, click the Attributes tab and select the DefaultValue attribute. In the Value box, enter webanon@saspw password as specified in Step 6. Next, click Modify. Verify that the DefaultValue attribute is set to webanon@saspw password.
If you want to encode webanon@saspw's password as shown above, you can run the PWENCODE procedure. In this example, the password Orion123 is encoded.
Click OK to close the "web.anonymous.password" Properties dialog box.
- If you select either web.anonymous.userid or web.anonymous.password in the tree pane (see Step 13), the Metadata Browser display window shows the DefaultValue setting. For example, if web.anonymous.userid is selected, the display window shows the DefaultValue that you set:
Select File ► Exit to close Metadata Browser.
- You must restart SAS Remote Services for the above changes to take effect. First, the web application servers should be stopped, then restart SAS Remote Services and start the web application servers backup. Ensure that each web application server is fully started before you move to the next one. For example, for JBoss application servers, ensure that the JBoss - SASServer1 server log includes Started in 3m:17s:372ms before you start SASServer2. Of course, your start time will vary.
If you now attempt to run a Correlations and Regressions Analysis in the SAS Strategy Management Diagram Editor, you should no longer encounter the fatal error.
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | SAS Strategy Management | Microsoft® Windows® for x64 | 5.4 | 5.5 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
64-bit Enabled AIX | 5.4 | 5.5 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
64-bit Enabled Solaris | 5.4 | 5.5 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Linux for x64 | 5.4 | 5.5 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
Type: | Problem Note |
Priority: | medium |
Date Modified: | 2014-05-01 12:39:32 |
Date Created: | 2014-04-29 11:58:21 |